The Hurstville Chamber, Paving the Way

Allan Zreik has seen his fair share of changes in the Hurstville CBD over the last 25 years, but he commends Mayor Hindi‟s $2 million revitalization between Hurstville transport interchange and Palm Court car park, it is good to see works underway with little disruption to the businesses along Forest Road. Mr Zreik said that “our walkthrough committee was set up by the chamber in 2014 and addressed several key area improvements for Forest Road as well as the memorial square and the revitalization is long overdue”

Mr Zreik said that the “Hurstville councils recent grant to the Hurstville Chamber of Commerce will ensure the small businesses in the Hurstville will have opportunities to attend workshops and networking opportunities that they will benefit from, the most recent workshop was held at Club Central Hurstville was „Attracting Customers Leads to my Website‟ which members got a lot out of”. Mayor Hindi said “Small businesses are the backbone of our community there are 2 million SME‟s in Australia and government needs to do what it can to support organisations that support them”. The Hurstville Chamber of commerce will hold its next workshop on the 15th September 2015 „Running your e-commerce store‟ Allan said that “opening an online store has many of the same considerations of a traditional store and more, but the benefits are that in most cases you can sell your products to anyone in the world”.

Allan said “the executive committee is working very hard on bringing together all business groups within Hurstville LGA, at the recent 2015 AGM of the Lugarno Progress Association, committee members from Hurstville were invited to present to its members the benefits of Lugarno Businesses joining the Hurstville Chamber and as a result members of the association moved a motion to do so” Allan said „we are in discussions with business leaders in other neighboring area‟s, to be part of the Hurstville Chamber to ensure their voices gets heard”.

The Hurstville CBD parking has been a issue for the chamber for many years, the Hurstville Chamber will announce on the 20th October 2015 its plan for parking in the city this will benefit shoppers, businesses and train commuters, work has commenced for the plans and will be unveiled to local government and members at the October meeting, Mr Zreik could not comment further but said “the business community needs to unite to tackle the issues that may constrain business or business growth and parking is just one issue that needs to be looked at seriously”.